I just bought Emmanuel Pahud's Fauré Flute Fantaisie CD, and was very
inspired.  The printed music I studied with when I was in College was
printed in Japan, and it doesn't look that authentic, and would like to
purchase a real stuff once for all.

Kinda embarrassing question but I'd appreciate any recommendation what I
should be looking for and if possible to find a good place to purchase online.

Lon Price / 05.1.31 / 04:06 PM wrote:
>When I was in college the first time, at North Texas State, Gunther 
>Schuller spent a week there as composer in residence.  He gave a 
>lecture in which he stated, "All tonal music is dead.  It is impossible 
>to write original music in the tonal realm.  All tonal music has 
>already been written.  Serial composition is the only answer."  This 
>was in 1965,

Interesting.  I played for him about 15 years ago, and his composition
was very tonal for that concert.  He was a really intimidating conductor,
tho :-)


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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