
I know how to calculate individual pitch frequencies, but does anyone know of a table on a web page somewhere that lays it all out for you? This would be for A4=440, equal temperament. I have Googled, but without success.

- Darcy

Where f = frequency in Hz, and p = pitch in octaves from a reference point of 0 = a 440:

f = (2 to the power of p) X 440


p = log (f/440)/log 2

To use a reference frequency other than 440, substitute that number for 440 in the above equations.

To measure pitch in half-steps, multiply the result of the first equation by 12. To measure it in cents, multiply the result by 1200.

To work the second equation when your starting value is in half-steps of cents, divide it by 12 or 1200 to get the value of f.
Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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