My logitech mouse came being able to scroll vertically, out of the box, with no programming necessary, in OS10.3.7. Do you mean scroll horizontally? I don't use that, but I know that the keystroke for that now in FIn2005 is command-pagedown. If there is some way to program that into the mouse, then that would be the keystroke necessary.

BTW, I programmed the RIGHT button to be a double-click, instead of the usual control-click, while the control click is performed by pressing the scroll wheel. I found this saved my tendons much more, as I use my index for scroll and left-click, but my middle finger for right button (double click).


On Feb 1, 2005, at 3:00 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Stig Christensen / 05.2.1 / 02:36 PM wrote:

2 months ago I left the Windows platform determined to concentrate on
my Mac also for Finale. Now I go back for many reasons. But my question
is: Is it my imagination or was it possible to scroll vertical with a
logitech mouse using the shift keys or something???

I don't use scroll mouse so I can't comment for sure, but OSX does have
scroll mouse driver embedded. If any app doesn't do then it's the app's


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
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