Phil Daley / 05.2.3 / 01:05 PM wrote:

>That what "device drivers" are for . . .
>Oh, wait.  Unix doesn't support device drivers.  You have to rebuild the 
>kernel.  How awkward and inconvenient.

Are you starting Mac vs PC flame war?

Mac might be inconvenient, but it is also called controlled environment,
and that's why Mac users are proud to be a Mac user while I never hard
someone is saying I am a proud DELL user, or whatever.

I make much more money consulting PC problems than Mac's.  It's so
inconvenient PC won't boot off external CD/FW drive.  I don't know how
many times I had to deal with IRQ and registry.  On the other hand, most
of Mac troubleshooting can be easily done over phone.

I am a royal Mac user since 1987, but I also like PCs.  For one thing, my
Win2K handles virtual instruments much better than Mac does.

I own two Thinkpads, one DELL, one HP, one Gateway, and one homemade PC.
 Before OSX, I needed them running Windows and different flavors of Linux
for studio file servers.  OS9 network capability was very poor.  As soon
as OSX became available, I no longer need Windows as I used to.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
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