I certainly agree with you on this! As a music educator, I use Finale daily for guitar, piano, and many other notation needs. I don't have time for workarounds! I used to like guitar tab before newer versions, now I am considering not only not bothering to upgrade to 2005, but looking into alternative notation programs.
Does anyone know if the chord transposition bug has been fixed in 2005? (2004 chords do not
transpose with the notation when using mass edit chromatic transpose function) I'd really prefer
not to have to use a workaround for this.
On Monday, February 7, 2005, at 04:40 AM, Simon Troup wrote:

Finale has AFAIK know always only copied the "musical context", not a
graphically identical version of the region. The clefs that start a
region is one other example of what's not copied.

Hi Jari

I'm comparing this to 2001d mac, the last version we used prior to
2005. We couldn't progress beyond 2001 until 2005 because of EPS export
issues and OSx compatibility.

Anyway, in 2001 and before copied tablature pasted in place correctly.
In the case of tablature there is no argument for wanting it to be done
any other way.

Anyway, it's pretty easy to correct the mistakes made by the
tab-to-tab Mass Copy, either by using "MassEdit/Utilities/Change
Lowest Fret" for a region, or use arrow keys in Simple Entry to move
the wrong fret numbers to the correct string.

It really isn't easy, it's horribly time consuming. You can only assume that If you're thinking that all guitar parts stay in "one hand position" what if the player is "flying up and down the fretboard". We do a lot of advanced rock and jazz and the situation as it stands is awful.

I emailed and telephoned MusicMaker about this and they confirmed it's
in their bug database. I half hoped someone would tell me there was a
deeply buried "paste all tab into open position" option somewhere that
I hadn't discovered!

I'm not saying the current behaviour is the ideal behaviour.

Agreed! Obviously we're all looking out for the problems that affect us as individuals, and all bugs are relative to your own needs and personal circumstances. As such, this is without a doubt public enemy number 1 as far as we are concerned. -- Simon Troup Digital Music Art

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