And to get the point of the music, do you need to know this about the origins of the idea?

If not, then it's not very important musically, in my opinion.

If so, then it's probably not very good music to begin with.

David W. Fenton

Depends what you consider important to know about different composers' styles. Is is important to know that Beethoven was influenced by French revolutionary composers? Is it important to know that _The Magic Flute_ is full of Masonic symbolism? This is the same order of thing. If you want to just bask in Janacek's _Sinfonietta_, fine, but if you have any interest at all into why this composer's music sounds different from other composers, or how it achieves its effects, then yes, you do indeed need to know about his acoustic ideas, just as you also need to know about his insistence on naturalistic text setting, and even about his long, extramarital affair with Kamila Urvalkova.

And BTW, it's not up to you to decide whether J's music is very good or not. On that point, the verdict of history is in, long since.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press
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