On 18 Feb 2005 at 9:37, Steve Gibons wrote:

> On Feb 18, 2005, at 9:21 AM, Phil Daley wrote:
> > At 2/18/2005 10:13 AM, JD wrote:
> >
> > >I am on a Mac, IE 5.2, and the pages do indeed load without any 
> > vertical
> > >scroll bars.  But, if I resize the window slightly, they appear
> > >fine. Funny, I have this same trouble with my own site and IE 5.2. 
> > >
> > Personally, I
> > >think it's a Microcrap issue.  But if you do figure it out, let me 
> > know how
> > >you did it.
> >
> > That is the only web page I have ever seen that was bigger than the
> > Browser window and didn't have a vertical scroll bar.
> >
> > There must be something in your HTML code that is incorrect.
> I have seen that in IE before. But I would imagine it has something to
> do with the style sheet, not the html code.

IE is "well-known" (i.e., notorious) for its completely broken 
implementation of the so-called "box model" for layout with style 
sheets. Whereas the standards define the relationships between a box, 
it's margins and borders in one way, IE puts the margin/border 
settings in the wrong place (I forget the exact details). The result 
is that percentage settings for width or height for containers are 
incorrectly honored -- you can set a width of 100% for a container 
and you'll end up with a horizontal scrollbar. The same code/style 
will produce a correct result on all other browsers (it also works 
correctly on early versions of IE, up to IE5, I think).

So, IE may be incorrectly calculating the vertical size in terms of 
the box model, and this is why the scrollbars do not appear until you 
resize the window to a size that is smaller than what IE incorrectly 
thinks the window's size really is.

This is one of the myriad reasons why no one should be using IE for 
anything at all -- it's a pile of crap in comparison to any modern 
browser (IE is not a modern browser, as its rendering code does not 
reflect the last 5 years of W3C standards).

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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