Rocky Road / 05.2.10 / 04:10 AM wrote:

I'm sure you had a good reason, but I hope you realise that Tiger
(10.4) could be just around the corner.

In my opinion,
You do not want to depend your work on first generation anything, both
software and hardware.  First generation is for you to play with, getting
used to, and read reports around until you feel comfortable to move your
workstation over.

Buying Panther now is not a waste of money at all.

Wasn't OSX 10.0 the First generation? 10.1 was when it really got usable.

Tiger is the fifth generation of OSX.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining planet known as Earth."
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