On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 09:35:09 -0500, Christopher Smith
> On the recommendation of various listers, I got Firefox (Mac OSX) and
> installed it (if you can call that an installation, as I just dragged
> the app over from the disk image). It seems to work surprisingly
> similarly to Safari, except it doesn't choke on certain web pages. It
> is quite zippy, and so far seems to be great. I like when it blocks a
> popup and lets me know. ("Hey, boss, see what a good job I'm doing for
> you?") Very cute.

The next time that happens, you can just click that gray bar at the
top and choose "don't show this warning." Then, you'll only see the "I
blocked a popup!" notice as a little icon in the status bar.

> One funny thing I noticed right away, though. When I click a link to
> open a new window with the new page, if the new page hasn't finished
> loading yet and I try to scroll in the new window with the scroll
> wheel, it is the ORIGINAL window, behind it, that scrolls, instead of
> the one that I am looking at. This means that when I close the new
> window, I am not in the same place in the window I left. If I let the
> new window finish loading, then I can scroll normally. Yet, I can hit
> Page Down in the new window at any time after the scroll bars appear to
> page down normally; it is only the scroll wheel that acts funny.

The best thing to do to circumvent this issue would be to download a
Single Window extension (the only one that works *well* for OSX is
Quick Tab Pref Toggle: <http://www.jedbrown.net>). This will allow you
to have links that automatically open a new window to open in a new
*tab* instead. Unchecking "Hide the tab bar when only one web page is
open" in the prefs might be a good idea as well (otherwise, the
continual showing/hiding of the tab bar can get annoying).

There are a lot of things you can do to customize Firefox to do things
exactly as you want them; as Jari said, many powerful extensions exist
to customize the browser to fit your working methods.

Brad Beyenhof
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