On Feb 28, 2005, at 10:11 AM, Henry Howey wrote:

A couple of keys on my EDIROL PCR-31 keyboard are not making a circuit. Is there a spray or other means to (I assume) de-oxidize the contacts for a better response?

I don't know what kind of key contacts are on the Edirol, but there are two basic kinds: metal leaf switches and rubber domes. If yours has metal leaf switches, then a spray contact cleaner (available at any electronics store) may work. You would have to open it up to expose the contacts, which may be quite a job. If you have rubber dome switches, the spray will not only not do any good, but will accelerate the decay of the rubber and might make a whole section inoperable.

It's possible that the problem is electronic, rather than mechanical. There is a pattern to how the keys are laid out in the circuit board, and if a number of keys stopped working at the same time (even ones that are not adjacent) then perhaps a diode somewhere went south on you, or there is a broken solder joint. I'm handy with a solder gun and volt-ohm-milliammeter, but this one would be beyond me. Experts only at this point.


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