On 3 Mar 2005 at 14:29, Simon Troup wrote:

> > I don't think ethical refusal to accept victimware is neglect. My
> > and my clients' scores are too important to me to entrust to a
> > corporation's ill will
> I think you're arguing along your own agenda regardless of what I
> write.

I resent your clear implication that there's something wrong with 
people who don't upgrade to the latest version. That attitude 
probably represents the annoyance it causes you when your clients 
don't keep up with you, but it certainly doesn't represent reality.

There are good reasons to not upgrade, the most important being:

The program does EVERYTHING I want to do exactly the way I want to do 
it, and exactly the way I expect and know how to accomplish things.

In other words, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Yes, there are often advantages to upgrading, but they often are not 
proportional to the cost of the upgrades.

And upgrades often have downsides, too.

Choosing to avoid the risk of the downside and saving the money and 
sticking with a familiar version of the program are all completely 
rational reasons for not upgrading.

I just don't see the value of upgrading to every new version of 
Finale (I upgrade about every 3 versions). But that's not to say that 
other people who use Finale differently than I do will *not* see the 
value. I also don't collaborate with other people, so backwards 
conversion simply isn't an issue for me (and I suspect I'm in the 
majority on that one).

Indeed, I am prejudiced to believe that it's more irrational to 
quickly jump to new versions of application software than it is to 
stay with older versions, because of 15 years of observing software 
upgrades in any number of classes of application. The conservative 
user who skips upgrade almost always ends up with better value and 
productivity in the long run than the one who is constantly upgrading 
and encountering all the problems of change (not even mentioning 

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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