In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Andrew
Stiller writes:
>On Mar 3, 2005, at 5:57 AM, Ken Moore wrote:
>> ... some bass[es are] five-string
>> (bottom string usually tuned to C in the US, B in Europe)
>B? That's a new one on me! Can anyone cite a composition (orch., 
>chamber, or solo) that actually requires that note from the cb?

"Also Sprach Zarathustra", in the fugue.  I remember it particularly
because only one part goes that low, and the conductor asked me to play
it on my four-string with C extension.  That meant I had to tune down,
which is straightforward, and because I didn't want to play the rest of
this fairly difficult work in an unfamiliar tuning, up again.  I found
this very difficult, mainly because the long string goes round the
scroll and suffers from friction.  Also, having the extension, I never
practise with the bottom string tuned down.

IIRC, there is also a low B in Brandenburg 3, but that may have been
intended for a six-string violone.

Ken Moore
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