Paul Besco wrote:
I'm having trouble grasping the relationship between the
huge Page Layout Options for Score dialog and the System and Page Margin dialogs. The manual is very thorough, but attempting to get a copy of a piano piece to lay on the page like I want is a push-me-pull-you affair between the various dialogs. Does anyone have a link to a discussion about these dialog relationships or can recommend a text book?
Paul Besco, Rags & Design
Sonoma California

There's certainly a lot of options to meddle with, partly a result of Finale being developed in many small stages. What I would say, without being able to give any direct advice, is that most people find that the best way to tackle music in Finale is to input 'everything', ie all notes, and everything attached to individual notes, and once that is done to worry about the layout on the page.

There's moments when I find I simply need to sit back and decide how many staves-per-page look correct. Or that I'll experiment with various sizes of stave, printing them all out and comparing them.

(Also, just to check: you're not missing the MassMover 'Fit Music' command, are you? This can lock-down individual systems, so you can then tweak within a fixed selection)
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