Yes: with FinMac 2005 I followed your steps and got the same result, both with a new file without libraries and with a copy of the default file. I also tried changing to different time signatures (6/8, 3/2, composite...), in several measures or only one measure, with the same result.

As far as I can tell, the bug has no serious consequences, since there is no need to have Independent Key Signature checked for a single staff score. But it's worrying all the same.

And other weird things happen. Try these steps:

- New Document Without Libraries: time signature is 'C'
- Add 5 measures (makes 2 systems)
- Fill measures 4 to 6 with 12 quarter notes
- Use Staff Attributes to set independent key signature (please note: KEY signature, not time signature!)
- Change to Time Signature tool, double-click on the first measure and change the time signature to 3/4 (or any other, as far as I can make out)
- When I have finished these steps, the time signature is still 'C' but the music I entered in measures 4 to 6 has moved to measures 1 to 3

Note that the bug does not appear if independent TIME signature is also checked.

Best wishes,

Michael Cook

On 28 Mar, 2005, at 3:38, Richard Yates wrote:

After months of protest at the EPS failure I was forced to move up to
Finale2005. The first thing I tried to do revealed a bug. Can anyone confirm
this one?

Start a new document, single staff, with 4/4 time signature. In Staff
Attributes check 'Independent Key Signature'.

With the Time Signature Tool try to change the time signature to 3/4.
Nothing happens - it won't change. Go back and uncheck 'Independent Key
Signature'. Now changing time signature works.

Why would anyone want to do this, you ask? When SmartScore starts a file it
has that attrribute checked and assumes 4/4.

Richard Yates

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