This is how I did it in OS9 before OSX. I got these instructions from here on the list, I think it was from Johannes Gebauer. I couldn't deviate from this procedure at all without causing all kinds of problems, including odd font substitution issues, but this way worked every time. I used Acrobat 4.

Creating PDFs in Finale

In the Chooser, select Adobe PS as the printer

In Finale, select Postscript settings> font inclusion All

and Printer-Specific Settings> resolution 1200 dpi.

Print, but print to Destination: File.

set Distiller to Press Optimised. It will remember this setting for next time.

Drag the resulting .ps file from the print operation onto the Distiller icon or into the Distiller window. The PDF will be created in the same directory as the .ps file was.


On Apr 6, 2005, at 6:02 PM, Richard J Moore wrote:

I am having difficulty creating PDFs which have a decent appearance. I
use Finale2002 on Windows 2000, with Adobe acrobat writer.

I have no trouble printing to my inkjet directly. The rendering of the
music is very good. However if I try to produce a PDF using adobe acrobat
writer the font rendering is ugly. I have specified that all fonts be
embedded and have also explicitly selected the Petrucci fonts.

If I used finale to create a postscript file directly then use acrobat
distiller to convert it to a PDF then the same poor rendering results.

Suggestions on how I can produce good quality PDFs would be much appreciated.

- -
Richard J Moore
IBM Advanced Linux Response Team - Linux Technology Centre
MOBEX: 264807; Mobile (+44) (0)7739-875237
Office: (+44) (0)1962-817072

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