JD / 05.4.17 / 01:16 PM wrote:

>I ran Terminal and entered in the prompt you provided.  The first group of
>letters was identical to what you gave me.  The remaining test was similar,
>but not identical.

OK, a couple more things to try.
Safe boot mode: Hold down shift right after you boot before gray
background and spinning gear appears, then you get to the login window
(if you have auto log enabled, disable it for your security).  Upon
entering your user name and password, as soon as you hit enter, hold the
shift key again.

The first shift+boot disables any 3rd party extension, and the second
shift+login disables any user dependent startup application.  If you got
far enough with this, you should try one of these two one by one to
determine which one of two are the culprit.

When you see an application doesn't start.  Do you see the crash report
dialog?  If not, open Console under Utility, and look for system.log. 
You should find something like 'crash dump was killed by signal 5'.  If
this is the case, your Unicode library might be corrupted.  This happened
to me by installing M$Office English onto OSX JP locale.  Micro$haft!!!
It was clearly their false premise being OSX compatible, yet they charged
me 30% restocking fee on returning.  Again, M$ prohibits non US version
to be sold in US, I ended up paying more than $1,000 for M$Office!!

If you did get crash reporter, hit [Report to Apple].  On the next
window, copy the top of the line to where it says 'Thread xxxx crashed'.
 You can trash all the other unrelated threads, and send it to me
privately.  I may be able to do a half-baked educated guesses.

But all in all, scratch install is the way I'd do if I were you :-)


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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