On 17 Apr 2005 at 8:14, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

> I wrote to the head of the computer sciences center at University of
> Maryland to get his opinion as to what machine to buy.  Some of you
> may be interested in his reply:
> "Why on earth would you want to subject her to the horrors that
> Windows-using students are subjected to here?  I spend almost all my
> time trying to help them recover from Internet attacks, and more and
> more of them are having to reformat their hard drives and reinstall
> the operating system (which leaves them no less susceptible to repeat
> performances unless they take the mass of security steps that I almost
> never have time to go over with them in detail.
> Unless she HAS to get a PC (and I can't think of a single reason why a
> freshman would be that committed to one of the departments that
> requires them) she ought to get a Mac.  Period."
> As a Mac user, (Macher) I don't have to deal with the virus issue. 
> How do PC mavens protect themselves from the deluge of attacks on
> their OS?

The person you wrote to obviously has *no* experience in configuring 
and administering Windows PCs, so his advice is highly suspect, in my 

His reaction is definitely a wild over-reaction, as you seem to 
suspect from what you've asked.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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