On Apr 17, 2005, at 12:28 AM, d. collins wrote:

I also do mostly vocal music for several voices, with or without instruments, but still prefer, for a 5-movement 4-voice mass, for instance, one file for the whole work. I agree that that means scrolling a lot in the edit lyrics box, but you can always insert a blank line or two between the movements to locate things easier. But the advantages largely outweigh this minor inconvenience - especially when printing the whole thing as a booklet or extracting parts.

When I have a large choral piece with many sections, I take advantage of Finale's super-abundant supply of "verses". I've gone up to 20 or so "verses" at times. The software allows for many more.

This makes it a lot easier to find things later, as well as to control them. If things are complicated, I keep a simple text-file list of what's where. Some users, I know, accomplish the same thing by putting comments in the lyric text windows directly.


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