David W. Fenton wrote:

On 18 Apr 2005 at 5:31, dhbailey wrote:

David W. Fenton wrote:

Can anyone give me advice on exactly why tempo tool playback might
not work in a body of files that were created from the same template
(an old file, probably stemming all the way back to WinFin 2.01,
converted to 3.52 then to 97 then to 2K3)? I've already imported
standard WinFin2K3 document settings.

I've got other files that I *thought* were from the same template
where my tempo tool changes are honored, and in comparing various
settings between the files where it works and the files where it
doesn't, I simply can't see one darned thing that is different.

Any ideas why it wouldn't work when I've inserted the necessary
"play tempo tool changes" expression in the beginning of the piece?


Have you entered any expressions which have been defined for playback?

I don't understand the question.

Expressions, such as Allegro, Andante, which have tempo defined in the Playback tab of the dialog, seem to override tempo tool settings.

I think that these override any tempo tool data, so if you have
inadvertently copied one and edited it for ease of having the same
appearance but forgotten to change the expression's playback
definition, perhaps that is making the difference.

I often get caught unaware by that behavior.

I don't understand what you're getting at.

If I like the appearance of an existing expression, I often simply duplicate it and then edit the text to be what I want so I don't have to fuss around selecting the font and size all over again just so it will match. If the expression I duplicated had playback defined I need to set that to NONE or I get surprised at an unexpected playback effect.

I was just thinking that perhaps you had done such a thing, and maybe your expression was simply informative, such as "a due" which you might have copied from an existing expression, for instance "Allegro," and then edited the copy. You might not have entered any tempo expressions, but if you didn't set the playback for your "a due" edited from a copy of "Allegro," then the playback would still be set, and would override the tempo tool settings.

David H. Bailey
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