Hi guys--

Apple recommended the following:

Delete com.apple.ATS from /Library/Caches



On 5/5/05 2:30 AM, "Dennis W. Manasco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> saith:

> At 11:46 AM -0400 5/4/05, A-NO-NE Music wrote:
>> Finale fonts are not recognized by _this_ Tiger.  When I run Verify
>> Fonts, all the Finale fonts are grayed out.  Ack!
> Hiro --
> Did you try deleting all of the font caches?
> Try something like Tiger Cache Cleaner
> <http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/16494>,
> with cache cleaning set on the "deep" level. This is a good step when
> installing any OS upgrade anyway -- slower restarts and app starts
> for a (very) short time, but flushes out the left-over crud.
> (After FIRST doing the obvious: Single user mode disk check {restart,
> hold down command-s, type "fsck -fy [ret] reboot [ret]"}, Disk
> Utility > Repair Permissions, and (if they have Tiger-compatible
> versions yet) a directory rebuild with DiskWarrior and a directory
> and filesystem check with Tech Tool Pro.)
> Also: If you are using Suitcase you might want to search the last few
> days of <http://www.macfixit.com>. There seem to be some teething
> problems with Suitcase under Tiger, but I don't remember the details
> since I'm not a Suitcase user and just skimmed the articles.
> Best wishes,
> -=-Dennis
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