On May 11, 2005, at 3:14 PM, Simon Troup wrote:

Well, I feel quite chuffed. Friendly little dictator game isn't it!

Hmm, I had to look that one up. I'm pretty sure that the meaning of "chuff" that you had in mind wasn't a loud explosion of gas (like a fart?) nor that you were propelled by a noisy puff or explosion of gas (unless you get rather more propulsion than I do, even after eggs and beer.)

After consulting a few online dictionaries, I'm convinced that you are "very pleased" with the game. What a relief, for me as well as for those in close proximity to you!

I am periodically flummoxed (confused, dumbfounded) by certain words common to the UK but not North America. "Biro" was another one, for ballpoint pen, that cropped up in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe and sent me to the dictionary. I was stumped by "etha" in the same book until one of my British friends pointed out that he meant to write "ether" but the ending "r" is not pronounced in that neck of the woods, and so was dropped, like "poofta" instead of "poofter" (about which I still haven't found out whether it is considered to be pejorative, but the answer is purely academic since I don't use the word myself.)


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