shirling & neueweise / 2005/05/13 / 02:43 AM wrote:

>hey hiro, what do you mean by "the file names are broken", they don't 
>appear properly, non-ascii characters are replaced by others?  did 
>you zip the finale files before sending, or just send them as 
>straight finale files?

MacOSX as well as Unix/Linux OSes encodes in UTF8/16, while Windows GUI
doesn't (I don't know XP since I never worked for XP GUI).  I am almost
certain my Win2K GUI is using in CP932 which is Microsoft propriety
encoding.  Just to be clear, NT kernel does process in UTF8, but GUI
transcoder is the one doing some odd things.

I zipped with these characters in the file name first.  Windows unzip
utilities won't unzip them until I renamed the file name to ASCII.

>i know you can register websites in germany with addresses which 
>include extended characters,

This is totally different.  You are accessing to website where encoding
matches with your web browser encoding.  It has nothing to do with your
OS encoding.  For example, yahoo was (or still is, I don't know) using
EUC encoding.  The site tells your browser what encoding to use.

All in all, US Windows user never suffers from crappy Windows encoding
business since you will never see these problems :-(


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<> <>

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