
Check which version of Firefox you downloaded.  If you are using an OS 9x
version that requires a reboot, you would do well to download the OSX
version.  It is dependable and very fast.

On Sat, 14 May 2005, Andrew Stiller wrote:

> On the strength of recommendations  from this list, I recently
> downloaded Firefox because I have been so aggravated by the slowness of
> other browsers (IE, Safari) in OSX. Firefox, however, turned out to be
> the worst of all: it took me *40 minutes* to do a simple
> toner-cartridge order via! By contrast, it took only 7 minutes
> to do the same thing w. Netscape 7 in System 9--including the extra
> reboot time to get into System 9 and back again.
> Can anyone recommend a browser that performs w. similar speed and
> reliability under OSX, or is this yet another area where OSX is
> demonstrably inferior to its predecessor?
> Andrew Stiller
> Kallisti Music Press
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