David W. Fenton wrote:

So far so good (with the exceptions of the half dozen or so shape definitions that are not deletable for some reason).
First, check the playback parameters of each individual text expression; my hunch is that the half dozen shapes are specified as playback parameters.

When I get everything just so, I save out the individual libraries. Shape and Text Expressions worked fine, but the Articulations library is not retaining my edits.

Are you trying to save the revised articulations library to an existing name, or a brand new one? I'd try saving to a brand new name, and trying to load from that. Also, it occurs to me, that there might be a link between the shape expressions, and the articulations library, which is why you may not be able to delete some items with the shape designer.
I really hate Finale. Just about everything about it is substandard in some way or the other.
The worst thing about Finale, to me, is the poor documentation. There are lots of things that now that I've been able to dig and experiment, seem to be really quite elegantly executed, but because there is no documentation as to what does what, and how it accomlishes the task, it is difficult to get fixed firmly exactly what is happening.


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