On Mon, 23 May 2005 16:47:20 -0500, "Randolph Peters"
> At 6:44 PM -0400 5/22/05, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> >
> >I have also heard that there are (at least for 
> >the moment) significant performance problems 
> >with rotated displays.  I suspect that the the 
> >slow menus, etc., you are seeing are much more a 
> >function of general screen-rotation performance 
> >issues
> My experience with Mac OS 10.4.1 (Tiger) and 
> Finale 2k5 was frustrating at first. The program 
> would crash frequently and often when opening a 
> file. This lousy performance was with my second 
> monitor in standard or in 90º rotation.

> Rotation works like a charm if you have the right 
> card/monitor. I use a PowerBook 17" as my 
> computer with a 20" Apple Cinema Display as my 
> second monitor. People should bear in mind that 
> using a second monitor can make things a little 
> slower than using only 1 screen. I don't find 
> that rotation is any slower than standard, but it 
> is marginally less clear to read.

Can you use an Apple Cinema display in rotation?

> Tiger has some conflicts with Finale in terms of 
> key commands, but you can change the conflicts in 
> system preferences/keyboard and mouse/keyboard 
> shortcuts and changing the shortcut for "move 
> focus to the window drawer". This one conflicted 
> with changing the view from scroll to page view.
> One last thing: I can't get the command-Q to work 
> in Finale and Tiger. The program quits when you 
> use the menu, but not the key command!

I haven't had that problem yet with Finale and 10.4.1, but I've noticed
it will occasionally affect other programme- i.e. not being able to quit
via key command.

> If you are thinking of upgrading to Tiger, you 
> might want to hang on to this email for future 
> reference and save yourself days of hair pulling.

As mentioned, no problems yet with Finale, but I only upgraded last
week. All my finale keyboard shortcuts (the ones you programme) were
lost though- which surprised me as so far they have been the only 10.3.9
settings to be affected. I am interested in getting a pivot monitor at
some stage though, so have kept a copy of your email.

So far the only big problem I've had with Tiger has been isync, which
crashed when I tried to sync my phone- a known problem apparently-
unfortunately, I trashed isync, and can't be bothered doing a complete
reinstallation! isync 2.0 doesn't really strike me as an improvement on


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