On 09 Jun 2005, at 2:34 PM, Ken Durling wrote:

I've always been told that the reason Macs don't get viruses is that the vastly lower numbers of Mac users doesn't attract the miscreants who write the viruses, not because of any inherent immunity. Have I been misinformed?

There's certainly some truth to the "low market share = no viruses" argument, but it's also true that OS X is fundamentally more secure than Windows. Microsoft's insistence on making Internet Explorer an integral part of the OS also makes it particularly vulnerable to malware exploits.

The first thing anyone tells you on the PC if you want to avoid malware is, "Don't use IE." (Of course, that's also good advice even if you just want a half-decent web browsing experience.)

It's also true that Mac users tend to be more positively disposed towards Apple than Windows users are towards MS. (How's _that_ for an understatement?) So I think there are fewer Mac users who are out to "get" Apple, the way some Windows malware authors seem to be trying to punish Microsoft.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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