I'm a WordPerfect die-hard who switched to Word about a year ago when I got a new computer and got tired of having to use MacLinkPlus to translate every file I sent anyone. Here's my 2-cents.

I recently upgraded from 10.3.something to 10.4.1.

WordPerfect 3.5e, the last version that existed for the Mac, works fine OSX in Classic mode. I know that some OSX folks HATE the idea of Classic, but when you have TONS of old WordPerfect files on your computer and other similar legacy apps that are no longer supported but run fine, why NOT run Classic. I have it set to boot when I boot the computer (adds about 30 seconds to start-up time) and every on- Classic file I open opens just as fast as any on-OSX file. Getting printing to work takes a little patience, but once it's done, it works fine.

As for JD's initial problem of printing out of Word, I can't really comment, since (knock-wood) Word has interacted with my printer smoothly in OSX from day one. There has been a semi-recent update to version 11.1, and maybe that would be worth doing.

On the non-MS side, all I've heard from friends who use Pages is raves. But for the same reason that I got MS-Office in the first place, it makes sense for me to continue my WordPerfect-for-the-old- Word-for-the-new scheme.

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