I forgot the Keyboard Shortcut for Clear Everything! I accidentally
discovered it before on Panther. Hope it still exists under Tiger...

I.e. In Mass Edit, I think I held down Shift, and pressed Delete. Now that
Shortcut does NOT work. But, I also recall changing the Finale Keyboard
layout to with a help from Brian, at Finale Tech Support!

Anyway, I am on Tiger, 10.4.1, all latest Updates, running on Powerbook 17,
and as of now, Shift/Delete = ERASE instead of CLEAR....

Hope you guys can help, TIA!

• Arkady 
web site: http://www.arkady.com
Powerbook 17 (9/2003), 1.33 MHz, 1.5G RAM, 5400 RPM HD, Mac OS 10.4.1,
Finale 2005b 

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