First of all,
To be honest,
I wasn't that much impressed with the samples, but for the money, I
didn't feel it was a wast.  GPO works better if no solo part, to my
ear.  I think I will still reach my two of K2600Rs for orchestra
simulation, but GPO sure will be handy when I an on the load.

Now NI really sux!

Yes, GPO Studio is the culprit of the CPU hog, because (a) it won't
allow bigger than 512 buffer, which seems to (don't quote my guesses :-)
be designed for OS9 SndMgr originally, and they haven't updated it to CA
object, and (b) for reason I was unable to determine, GPO Studio is the
one have to kick the CPU load up even when playback thread is not
called.  In another word, GPO behaves as expected if instantiated with
dedicated Mac host application such as Digital Performer and DSP-Qattro,
those which I tested with so far, instead of GPO Studio.

I haven't tried to reproduce Chuck's problem yet, because....!
I created a DP sequence with GPO on my AlBook1.5 while I was out of my
studio.  The CPU load was too much to playback without CPU spike so I
copied it to my studio rig when I was back. It's G5 Dual2.5GHz.  Even
though GPO runs just fine on this Dual2.5GHz, this particular sequence I
created on my AlBook can't see where the .wav files are.  A Path mess? 
Like Windows?

Anyway, I too didn't know where these samples are actually stored so I
let Kontakt Player go find them.  Well, it has been almost 30 hours (not
typo).  I see it is finding one by one.  Why it won't finish all when it
found the first one is beyond me.  I did check the option of "assume all
are the same place" kinda checkbox, tho.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<> <>

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