At 07:39 PM 6/23/05 +0200, Jari Williamsson wrote:
>Williams, Jim wrote:
>> That's what I'd call the expected part of the
> > move. The notation technology is MATURE--there simply
>> isn't a great deal of advancement or enhancement left
> > to do.
>Any software developer who think that there is nothing left to do 
>because the product is mature just isn't innovative/creative, nothing 
>else IMO.

That's for sure. Where's the pen/tablet input? Graphics-style copy/paste
(i.e., "stop screwing around with my stuff")? Measure-free input? Rotation
of elements? Bendable staff lines? The smart-shaping of all elements?
Ownership 'rubber bands'? Immediate element access (instead of all the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] dialog boxes)? Hell, where's a really functional UI?

Never mind. It gets *so* old...


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