At 09:28 PM 06/29/2005, Raymond Horton wrote:
>I just wasn't certain, in 6/4, whether five beats rest should generally
>be a dotted half plus two quarters or a dotted half plus a half.  The
>latter is easy to read, but I suspect that Johannes is indeed on target
>with his asstertion that the former is most correct?

I would say yes. In your case, think of the 6/4 measure as two bars of 3/4. If you had two beats rest in a 3/4 followed by a quarter note, you would use two quarter rests.

>Also, for another example: two beats rest, followed by a quarter note,
>quarter note, half note.  Should the rest(s) be two quarter rests, or
>will a half suffice?

This is the same situation as above, except that you're talking about the first half of the measure rather than the second. Use two quarter rests. (If you use a half rest, the bar looks suspiciously like a 3/2 bar, which may confuse things.)


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