Sorry for the off-topic post, but I know several listers may have some insights. (Google doesn't seem to be much help.)

I have an old Dataproducts LZR 1580 that I bought in 1991. It is still quit useful, although it is no longer my primary printer. The PPD I have (ca. 1993) worked fine in Jaguar, with some minor cajoling. But Panther's Printer Setup refuses to cooperate. It will let me choose the PPD, even recognizing it as Dataproducts, but when I hit OK it refuses to assign it to the printer and fails to display any kind of error message. (Grrrr.) I can use the printer by setting it up as Generic Postscript, but that doesn't include any of the trays or paper size options the printer actually has. (I can get around the paper size restrictions by tricking the software, but it's a bit of a pain.)

And this discussion begs the question of Tiger. When Tiger comes, can I even still use an Ethertalk printer? I have discoverd that Tiger no longer supports File Sharing over Ethertalk. But what about Ethertalk printers? (FWIW: the printer is actually serial Localtalk, but I use a 3rd-party adapter that converts back and forth.)

This is why I an coming to hate Apple: repeated cutoffs of support for legacy software and hardware, and already another coming. It may well drive me completely to the other side.

Robert Patterson
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