On 7/6/05, Tyler Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, I think GPO is going to be a much bigger
> selling point that linked parts. Why? How many times
> do composers click play as opposed to extracting
> parts? I don't believe part extraction is done as
> commonly as some people here believe. 

I've been following this discussion of linked parts versus extracted
parts with puzzlement, and wondered where (or whether) to step in with
my comments. Before I started using Finale 6-7 years ago I had worked
as a programmer for a major wordprocessor (one that is now virtually
defunct, thanks to the world's dominant software company ... but I

I have always thought that it is particularly awkward to have to
"extract" parts, yielding multiple instances of the same "document".
In the word processor world, we had a single "document" with multiple
"views." (It is kind of like an HTML editor that lets you look at the
same document either showing the HTML tags or hiding them, or ...
[pick a variation])

It has always seemed like it would be much more natural if finale
would treat the displaying/printing of individual parts (or subsets of
parts) as variant "views" of the "one" document that constitutes the
composition. Yes, there might be issues if you decide (for example) to
insert a measure while editing the violin part (in the violin
part-only "view")--but it would be predictable: when you change to the
full score view, you would see a new blank measure in all the other
parts (for example) ... and could fill up the other staves.

I'm not a big Sibelius fan (I purchased a switchover license several
years ago, but coutinue to buy each annual Finale upgrade, and have
done no serious composing with Sibelius) and don't know how they have
implemented their "linked" parts, but extracting parts from the the
main score is a real drag. A "document/view" model would seem to make
much more sense.

My two cents. (I am still an ardent fan of Finale, BTW! ... and have
already paid for the 2006 upgrade.)

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