On Jul 7, 2005, at 11:16 PM, shirling & neueweise wrote:

in a 70mm passage for 6 voices, i have renotated the rhythms/durations (attack points remain the same) of the top voice and want to do the same changes to the other 5 voices (all 6 in rhythmic unison). i've tried doing it with TGTools, but you have to have the same rhythms to start with for it to work.

anyone have a trick? i don't think it is possible using an implode music workaround, but some sort of glorifed implode music function is really what i need.

Hmm, I've had to do similar things in the past, and this is how I did it.

In Speedy Entry on the first measure of the top voice, hold down all the pitches of ALL the voices, and hit Enter, so that you have a big six-note chord. Use your nose, toes, a pencil held in your teeth, or if you are really excited, any other appendage that is available to hold down the extra notes, or ones that are out of range. If you can't fit a note in, cursor to the correct vertical place afterward and hit Enter with no MIDI keys pressed, which will add the note there, and + or - as needed to alter it.

Continue for the entire passage.

Using Finale's Explode, or TG Tools, split the giant top staff into six staves.

Drag and drop as appropriate (with Partial Measures selected) to correct unisons that didn't split properly.

Sorry this isn't easier. If anyone has a better way, let us know!


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