Looking that MOTU just updated Digital Performer to 4.6 for free to it's 4.5 users, and seeing all the GREAT improvements, it makes me laugh at MakeMusic and Finale. My God, there are a lot of useful, functional features that I can get for FREE updating to 4.6. Congrats MOTU!

Honestly, this latest Finale update should have been for free.......makes me wonder about MakeMusic.......Couldn't they have updated Finale 2005 with the "textured paper" feature? Or some of these other things? Like the Handbell chart? I don't get the reasoning here........

Maybe if MakeMusic was also selling a truckload of 2408's, 828's 24IO's, 96HD's, and other assorted hardware interfaces, they might be able to afford a free Finale update here and there.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining planet known as Earth."
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