On Jul 11, 2005, at 11:59 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

I'm with Aaron. I really don't care if my email address is available for anyone to see in the Google cache, but I DO care about having searchable archives, and since we de-linked from Google, that's impossible.

I also agree with this viewpoint. And I am frankly dismayed at the contempt for the public domain expressed in some of the postings in this thread. Since 1983 the public domain in this country has been whittled almost out of existence, and a nostalgic yearning for a supposed earlier time when "copyrights meant something" reminds me of nothing so much as the assertion from the far right that Christians have become a persecuted minority in the US. In both cases there is a really serious disconnect from reality.

As for asserting copyright in one's postings to an internet forum, that's simply antisocial. You might as well declare copyright on your after-dinner conversation. Fortunately, it's legal hooey, since a "private" list that publicizes its existence and accepts anyone who signs up is not in fact private by either statute or case law.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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