Neal Schermerhorn schrieb:
That said, what right do I have to complain? As much right as you have to
complain - which you have been doing lately with aplomb.


See, we're members of an email list. Some members are really knowledgeable
and have a lot to offer. Others are less so, but pipe up when they have a
question or suggestion. Others still are readers who post rarely. But each
is a member of the community.

Would you suggest that only the people who want to run for public office
should have a say in how your city or town is run? I don't think you'd care
for that. Yet your contention that those with the quietest voices have no
right to comment on things is rather the same.

Except that an email list is not a democracy. Compare it to a dinner party: Wouldn't it be rude to sit at the table the whole evening not saying much at all and then suddenly come out and say stop talking about this subject, it's not what I have come for. Rude in my opinion. And a dinner party is even a bad example, as you don't have a delete button.

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