Tyler Turner wrote:

You're reading too much into Phil's response. The guy
apparently screwed up and didn't really understand
your question. With each new release, the support
starts getting mauled with more questions, and it
wouldn't surprise me if he's been working a lot of
overtime (probably helping out with testing/preparing
2006 as well). That doesn't change the fact that he
didn't answer your question, and it's certainly fine
for you to reply to him and let him know that.

Actually Phil did answer my question, which was whether or not we would receive an interim update patch (as MakeMusic often releases to repair/amend deficiencies in the initial release) which might include an GPO soundset updated to include saxes. I tried to show that I realized that the saxes aren't ready for release yet, but when they were ready, could we expect a patch which would include them.

He informed me that there is no plan to do such a thing. Knowing that the saxes will be ready soon (why else are they offering for sale the GPO Jazz/Big Band Collection) I would think they could work out the licensing deal fairly easily, given that they already have one in place for the 100 already included sounds.

I did ask him to enter my request for such an interim patch and he said he would enter it.

And I will publicly apologize for lashing out against the educational slant of Finale (or apparent lack thereof) -- I'm sure many teachers find those exercises handy to print out and hand out. Just as I'm sure many teachers are turning their charts into SmartMusic Accompaniments.

Guess I'm just in a grumpy mood these days -- nothing that a jar or two of Prozac won't cure. :-)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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