David W. Fenton wrote:
On 19 Jul 2005 at 8:59, Owain Sutton wrote:

David W. Fenton wrote:

On 18 Jul 2005 at 15:58, shirling & neueweise wrote:

/12 meters

My objection to these meters is that they tell you what the subdivision is, and give you no help whatsoever with identifying the beat.

I would much prefer something like:


to anything over /12.

Identifying the beat in /12 is NO DIFFERENT to in /8. At all. It's just the speed of the pulse is altered. I still do not understand what is difficult about it - have you actually tried looking at music with these metres, or are you talking about it on an abstract level?

No, I don't have access to any such music.

Sounds to me like it doesn't need *any* time signature if something over /12 gives you all the information you need. Sorry, but this is an unresolvable dispute. My concept of music simply doesn't allow something as illiterate as /12 when there are plenty of musically literate alternatives for conveying the same information.

'Your concept of music' is the final judgement?!
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