At 10:13 PM 7/21/2005, you wrote:
It is the belief of many professionals that singing
out of one's normal range is bad for the voice.
Whether we agree or disagree is not the issue here.
The issue is the motivation for the rule.

Exactly. If the motivation is to protect *en masse* all those who choose this path, it implies that the teaching all the way up & down the line is incapable of the necessary individual guidance. It seems more likely to me that the motivation is to protect the strict line between "guys and dolls", to paraphrase Frank Loesser.

And looking at the other end of the "protection" spectrum: David Daniels, Bejun Mehta, Drew Minter, Jeffrey Gall, Michael Chance, Andreas Scholl and Brian Asawa are all having great careers "ruining their voices". It's too bad someone didn't stop them before it was too late. Now we all have to put up with Handel's Julius Caesar, Rinaldo, etc. being played by men.

Dan Carno

Daniel Carno
Music Engraving Services
Quality work in Sibelius, Finale, and Score
4514 Makyes Road
Syracuse, New York 13215
(315) 492-2987
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