On 27 Jul 2005 at 23:14, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

> At 08:00 PM 7/27/05 -0700, Ken  Durling wrote:
> >><http://californiamusicfestival.org/home.html>
> >Wow, that really is an awful site!.
> Maybe, but I can't even get it because on Firefox I have Flashblock
> installed, and IBM Homepage Reader is a speech reader. With no regular
> alternative, it's officially inaccessible. Hope they don't get public
> funds, because ADA Section 508 requires accessibility.

Oops! I never meant to send that post to the list -- it was intended 
for Ken, alone.

Yes, the website really, really sucks.

I have flashblock, too, and have to click on each one to navigate 
around it.

Here's what I had designed for their website:


I was going to do it all for free, but the significant other of one 
of the Festival board members is a "web designer," so he did it (it 
was complete nepotism). I was never even told that they were 
replacing the website.

I haven't even bothered to tell my friend, the artistic director, 
that the sight sucks a big green one.

I still support the Festival, though. I think it's a really fine 

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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