Why didn't the MAC beta testers discover this????

On Jul 28, 2005, at 2:41 PM, dhbailey wrote:

Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 28 Jul 2005, at 1:17 PM, Randolph Peters wrote:

I just got off the line with tech support at MakeMusic and they confirmed that there is indeed a problem with the installer erasing the ~/Library/Application Support folder. They just became aware of it 1 hour ago (it is now noon, July 28) and will stop shipments of Finale 2006 until they can solve this.

Good. I just finished telling them that if the installer does erase the contents of the Application Support folder, they *must* recall Fin2006. I hope they listen. This is a disaster, and they need to act fast to contain the damage.

My question is how could they have let it get out the door in the first place? They should test the installation with all current OS which they support. That they don't do that is quite disturbing.

David H. Bailey
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