At 10:48 AM 07/29/2005, dennis c. wrote:
>But there's also a digital Centaur (and probably several) taken from Bruce
>Rogers' original typeface, and different from the digital Jenson

Oh, yes. And you're right that the slanted hyphen seems to be peculiar to Jenson -- at least, the Centaur I have from Adobe has a straight hyphen.

>Do you know of any good reproductions on-line?

Just did a quick Google search, but didn't find anything of the appropriate size. <> has two small but clear images that give you a sense of what it's like.

I have a book from Dover by Rogers called "Paragraphs on Printing". It has three pages from the Bible each reproduced as a two-page spread, and even that says "greatly reduced". But it gives a reasonable sense of it. The book is available at Amazon.


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