At 03:12 PM 08/01/2005, dhbailey wrote:
>Actually, no matter how many instances of GPO you start, the midi
>channels for any single instance are still listed as 1-16.

Yes, but those numbers 1-16 are *relative* to the starting channel for each instance. In the first instance, 1-16 means MIDI 1-16. In the second instance, 1-16 means MIDI 17-32. That's what I was saying.

>HOWEVER, if you add any staves manually after setting up your score,
>even if you are using GPO playback, the channel in the instrument list
>must be the properly numbered channel (1-128).

Of course.

>The channel menu in the GPO setup (the one with the keyboard) still
>shows that I can select any channel from 1 to 16 or OMNI.  I decided to
>try channel 14.
>It was only when I set the channel for the tuba line to be channel 30
>(the 14th channel in the second set of 16) that I go the two lines to
>play back appropriately.

Yes, that's the point a few of us have been trying to make for a while now. Instance 1 will let you access any 8 channels between 1 and 16. Instance 2 will let you access any 8 channels between 17 (which it calls 1) and 32 (which it calls 16). If you have a staff set up on MIDI channel 30, you can only access that in the *second* instance of GPO (because it's in the range 17-32), and only by loading the sample into slot 14 of that instance (because 14+16=30).

>So we're back to what I was complaining about originally -- you need to
>copies of the score if you want one to be able to play back through an
>external module or synth that only recognizes the standard 16 channels
>of midi.

This is true only if: (a) your external whatever only recognizes 16 MIDI channels *and* (b) your piece uses more than 8 but fewer than 16 channels. And even in this case, you don't really need two scores -- to go back and forth you just need to reassign some of the channel numbers.

>Setting something to be channel 14 in the second instance of GPO does
>nothing, until you get the instrument list to recognize it as channel 30.
>So there is communication between GPO and the instrument list, and the
>channel must be correctly set in the instrument list for things to work

Well, yes, that's what I've been saying.


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