I'd buy in too. IF, AND ONLY IF, the vade mecum included a step by step explanation of how to add any percussion instrument I want to a FinGPO orchestra or band set up, and have it play back correctly. At present, I don't have a clue.


I would be willing to pay your for such a book/tutorial/whatever, as well.

If you can add any windows/mac discrepancies as well, it would be a universally useful add-on.

We pay Tobias and Robert for TGTools and Patterson Plug-ins, I certainly will pay you for your expertise.

Even more helpful would be if you include a sample file or two, showing us the correct to get a file setup so it can be used with any of the three playback methods: Finale/GPO (adding some hints for use with full GPO), soundfont playback, external midi playback.

Just a thought, and since your orchestration client has bailed on you, you could pick up some needed cash.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

As a newly diagnosed diabetic, self denial is now my ally, exercise my master.

Dean M. Estabrook

Retired Church Musician
Composer, Arranger
Amateur Golfer

Finale mailing list

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