keith helgesen wrote:

Very basic question!

I’m on Fin Win 2001d (Yeah- OK, I know, I know should update – but I prefer it to the later toggle type simple(?) entry of 2003 onwards!)

Actually I have 2004 here on disc- tried it- couldn’t handle all the dangly bits!

I probably can’t use it now- (or could I?)

Yes you should be able to install it even now.

Having created “continue” as an expression, and assigned c as the metatool, I find I cannot make it enter on “this stave only” without the full; double click, select, dialogue box, this stave only, OK, routine.

Wish I could use for instance,- ctrl/shift meta- or something to acheive this! Or am I missing something?

In the Expression menu are three options (at least these have been here the past few versions, can't remember when they were introduced) for metatool assignment. You can specify measure-attached only, or note-attached only, or context-sensitive.

With context-sensitive, if you have the mouse cursor anywhere other than exactly on a note (watch the cursor change to be certain) and use the metatool, you will get a measure expression which will be in all staves.

If you have the cursor pointing exactly at a note column (again, watch the cursor to be sure it has changed to the note-specific cursor) and use the metatool it will place a note expression on that staff alone.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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