NOTE: There are two Jim Williamses here as well as a Jim Williamson.
I am not the Jim Williams who was talking about DVD drives, etc.
I talk about the euphonium.
...but I ask the people who are listening to the GPO Steinway: Are you 
listening to the raw, dry sample? If so you are giving GPO short Schrift.
GPO's philosophy is to sample instruments dry (I know this from personal 
experience) and let the user process it.
In fact, full GPO used to have a "wet audition" set of instruments so users 
could hear what the instruments sound like.  It was canned because people tried 
to USE it in performance and their CPUs got chewed up due to the reverb on 
every instrument.
So if you are listening to the dry GPO Steinway, run it through a good reverb.
Jim (euphonium player) Williams



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