On Aug 6, 2005, at 4:31 AM, Bruce Hunter wrote:

I just can't stop thinking who the hell would want to name a font "Shakuhachi", which has a really nasty
sexual double meaning.
Nobody did. The font name is shakukana. My apologies for not more clearly writing "a font used for shakuhachi notation", rather than, "a shakuachi font".

Regardless of that, "shakuhachi" in English is just the name of a Japanese end-blown flute made of heavy bamboo, or of a variety of Western folk flutes inspired by it--there is no sexual implication at all.

another flute called hichiriki, (not sure of the spelling), was even more blatant.

The hichiriki is an oboe, and one who's shape I find considerably less blatant than that of the clarinet, say. Somebody has an overly-vivid imagination.

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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