I have a very old and simple MIDI keyboard, which doesn't have any way of transposing the keys. For that it would indeed be very helpful if Finale had such a switch built in.

However, it is more important to me that Speedy gets a major overhaul, the transposition switch is secondary.

Here is what I hope for (more suggestions welcome!):

- The ability to access clef changes from within Speedy
- The ability to access articulations from within Speedy (like in Simple)
- smart handling of enharmonics. Ie, if I enter a d#, then change it to e flat, then enter another one of those, it is likely to be an e flat rather than a d#. All it needs is an adaptive enharmonics map that changes as I change enharmonics while entering. This would be a real time saver. - smart handling of accidentals for non-MIDI entry: in C major if I enter a F#, then the next one should be F#, not natural, until I tell it to be a natural again. The same for ties. - Customizable Speedy keymap: this is long overdue for non-American keyboards. Why does Simple have this and Speedy doesn't? I am pretty sure more power-users use Speedy than Simple.

Don't tell me I could use Simple with Midi, I know that, but it's not working well.



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