"On the Second Day of Lab'r Day,
 My Fin-List Gave to Me - - 
Two Berklee Students, and 
 An Auto-mail 
 From John Mc - Gann...."
Les Marsden
Founding Music Director and Conductor,
The Mariposa Symphony Orchestra
Music and Mariposa?  Ahhhhh, Paradise!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:15 AM
Subject: [Finale] Thanks for your mail. My computer is going into the shoptoday, and I am away until Labor

Thanks for your mail. My computer is going into the shop today, and I am away until Labor Day. I will try to check my email/phone periodically...if you have sent an mp3 for evaluation, it will take place after Labor Day (Sept. 5th). If you are a Berklee student looking for an ensemble waiver, I will attend to that the first week of September as well. Thank you for your patience!

You may need to resend your email after Sept. 4th. Thanks again.
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